Newcomer - If you know quite well the basics of West Coast Swing, want to learn something new, discover new possibilities of dance and find yourself in this dance, with our experienced instructors help you will certainly succeed!
Novice level - For those who involved in West Coast swing more then a year or for those for whome the WCS is not the only known dance. You know how to dance to th music of different tempos you want to improve your technique and musicality.
Intermediate / Advanced level — for those who are constantly improving. For those who know the real meaning of the words connection and technique, for those looking for harmony in music and their dance

Osmium-Institut zur Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung von Osmium GmbH
Am Mösl 41
82418 Murnau am Staffelsee
Telefon: 49 89 744 88 88 88